Gameplay Tweaks
Player Head Drops
Players drop their heads upon death, giving information on who killed them (if killed by a player)
Anti-Enderman Grief
Enderman will not pick up or place blocks
More Mob Heads
There is a chance for any mob to drop it's head upon death. This chance is affected by looting
Confetti Creepers
When exploding, all creepers release a rainbow firework. They also do no damage to terrain
Hit through Tall Grass
You can now hit entities throuh tall grass
No "Too Expensive"
There is no maximum repair cost, use that anvil as much as you like!
Fast Leaf Decay
Leaves decay faster when you chop a tree down
Glowberry Enhancements
Eating Glowberries makes you glow your rank colour for 2 minutes
Crafting 8 arrows around a glowberry will create 8 spectral arrows
No Crop Trampling
Mobs and Players cannot destroy farmland by jumping on it
Better Leads
Leads are unbreakable and support every mob type
Sponge Drying Efficiency
Placing a Wet Sponge in The Nether now dries the entire stack in your hand
Portal Coordinate Compas
Right clicking a Nether Portal with a compass will encode the converted coordinates into the compass to allow you to more easily link portals
Upon death a corpse will spawn at your death location which stores all your items and can be accessed by anyone. This corpse will stay for 20 minutes before disappearing and dropping the items. Breaking a corpse will auto pick up all the items.
Coprses DO NOT pause their timer on chunk unload
Silk Touchable Budding Amythest
You can collect budding amythest blocks using silk touch
Ghast and Wither Skull Anti-Grief
Ghast fireball and wither skull block damage has been disabled
Water Petals
Cherry petals are placeable on the top layer of water, placing them will randomise the number of petals from 1 to 4
Compatible Infinity and Mending
Infinity and Mending are compatible with eachother
Last updated
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